
Perils of Effective Communication

April, 24th 2019
Topics : IELTS Writing Tips
Is Fast Communication Suffocating the Art of Conversation? Remember the good old days when dinner used to be family time? Hardworking parents and the school going children of the family, all looked forward to the time around the table where they conversed, communicated and sorted out sibling rivalry. At work, colleagues had more time to talk to each other and great ideas were born out of those conversations. As is the case with everything, technology has taken over our lives and the way we communicate. Centuries ago, we were beating drums and sending smoke signals! Today – A mere click of a button and the message is delivered. Parents give in to the ‘phone demands’ of their offspring citing security concerns; offices encourage emails between colleagues to bring efficiency to the work place. But while we are successfully communicating at lightning speed today, are we losing the art of conversation? Albert Einstein once said “I fear the day that technology will surpass our human interaction.” Alas! The day that Einstein feared has become our present day reality. The next time you see a group of youngsters, observe them – more likely than not you’ll find that most of them will have their eyes glued to their cell phone in a sort of semi-trance, fingers flying over the keys faster that the speed of light, not bothering to even acknowledge the presence of each other! Quite honestly, you'd have better luck wrestling an acorn from a hungry squirrel than prying a cell phone from a teenager. I remember my university days. They were the testing grounds for our newfound freedom from high school, and for freedom of speech. There we found that not only elegance in looks but also elegance in speech was what won the day. All of us, at some point, have agonized over our average looks and how inept we were at adding anything to a heated intellectual conversation. Contributing to a political discussion or talking ‘world peace’ could make you a hero in the eyes of your peers. I may sound a bit nostalgic here, but long gone are the days of the telegraphic language where you had to cough out money for each word of your message. Birthday cards and greetings have surrendered to the hundreds of birthday wishes on your social media feed, from people who may not even be concerned of your existence. What’s more, even what one had for lunch finds its way into their Facebook or Instagram status. Frankly my dear, who cares? Today technology has grown exponentially and has taken over the world. It has removed the human touch from it. Social skills have taken a back seat. Our IQ is lauded while our EQ (emotional quotient) silently walks away and sits in a dark corner. Even to hold a ten-minute conversation with a group of friends without glancing over one’s phone seems like a challenge worth winning an Olympic Gold Medal, or a Hall of Fame of some sort. Modern day corporations have uniform-looking cubicles where employees stare at their fancy LED screens. Emails are sent and battles are won between colleagues who sit only a cubicle away from each other. From congratulations to condolences, emails have become our trusted companions. Do we actually regret when we ‘regret to inform’ someone? We keep marveling at Google’s model of work and work space, and the freedom enjoyed by the employees. Google employees have nap rooms and swimming pools, yoga and health centres. Coffee breaks and peer gatherings are encouraged. Google boasts about its increased productivity as a result. Ironically, isn’t it what people did about 50 years ago, minus the modern infrastructure? The sad truth is that it will be hard to say ‘no’ to our Android and IOS systems. They are here to stay. But should that stop us from talking about the weather on the elevator? Conversation is an art, and like every other art it needs constant practice. Are we headed towards a future where people will pay to learn the art of conversation? How is it that we are losing something that is so fundamental to our existence? Before I express my concluding thoughts, I would like to make it clear that I am not against technology. I talk with my parents who reside overseas using video calls almost every day. I am aware that technology helps millions of people from around the world to stay in touch with their near and dear ones. Technology as a medium of communication, I am all thumbs-up for that. But I fear that the very convenience provided by such platforms to stay connected with our friends and family also becomes the root cause of the distance we feel in our relationships today. Because we see the ones closest to our heart everyday on the bright screen, we also miss our Diwali celebrations and Christmas dinners with them. Given a chance, I would love to return to the good old days when Apple and Blackberry were just names for fruit!  

Essentials of IELTS Exam Preparation | IELTS Classes Near Me

September, 30th 2019
Topics : IELTS Writing Tips | Study in Canada
Essentials of IELTS Exam Preparation   If you are reading this article, then most probably you are planning to appear for the IELTS exam. The major objective of taking the IELTS exam is to achieve a good band score. However, believe it or not, only 68% of the test-takers fail to score a band 7 or more. In this article, we will look at some techniques that will ensure you attain the highest possible score in the IELTS exam.   Sadly, there are many fraudulent websites that claim to provide authentic study material and practice papers to students. Due to this, students waste a significant amount of time trying to identify the materials that will actually help them score well. Moreover, the confusion makes it even more difficult to know which preparation method is trustworthy.   Hence, students must stop wasting time looking for shortcuts on the internet to score well in the exam. There is no alternative to hardwork and the best way to start preparing is to start. The IELTS Preparation exam is all about your command over the English language and your ability to communicate. The IELTS exam score is valid in more than 150 countries worldwide. Clearing the exam with a good band score opens the door to several opportunities including making a career, winning a scholarship, and fulfill your dreams of studying in a foreign university.   The first step for preparing for IELTS exam is to familiarize yourself with the format of the test. And the best way to do that is to review the content and understand the type of questions for each section. The IELTS exam comprises of four distinct sections. Speaking – It is a face-to-face interview which lasts for 10-14 minutes in which the examiner first asks short questions and then asks the candidate to talk about a specific topic at length. Listening – Students need to solve the answers by listening to several audio clips. The test lasts for 30 minutes. Reading – This test is for 60 minutes in which the student needs to solve 3 long reading passages. Each passage has some questions which need to be answered. Writing – Candidate is given 60 minutes in which he or she must write down a short task of 150 words and a long essay of at least 250 words. The main aspect to take care while preparing for the exam is the essentials of English language. Spelling mistakes, grammatical errors, punctuation errors are a big turn down. Hence, one must refrain from making mistakes if they wish to score well.   Here are some pointers that you must consider while preparing for the exam. Solve as many question papers from the previous years as possible. This will not only familiarize you with the pattern of questions but also help you manage the time well. Remember to follow the suggested timings mentioned for each section. For the listening tests, practice by listening to the audios to familiarize with the accent, situations, sounds, pronunciations, etc. Review your answers for the reading section. This will help you get an idea about the style of answers During the speaking test, make sure to have a direct eye contact with the examiner. This will automatically make you sound natural. During a speaking or writing test, never answer in a simple “Yes” or “No”. Always give an explanation for it. This will help you make your point clear. Keep a check on your handwriting, grammar and spelling errors Always ensure that you meet the minimum requirements of words during the writing test. You can always write more if the time permits.   The IELTS exam does not test your general knowledge of English, it is conducted to test how effectively you can communicate in English. Therefore, make sure you have clarity in your thoughts so that you have the same clarity in your content.   Still need guidance to start preparing for your IELTS exam? Check out   We at Gradbound offer the best-in-class study materials that are designed by a group of Canadian educators themselves. We offer enough and more practice papers from The British Council. Our step-by-step guide assists you with the necessary information and regular practice sessions, preparing you well for the upcoming IELTS exam.     IELTS Test Centre Canada   Want to study, work or migrate to Canada? If yes, then the first thing you will need is a good band score in the IELTS – English Proficiency Exam. Scoring well in the exam opens a window of opportunities. The IELTS test centres are located in more than 140 countries worldwide. Find your desired test centre here.

IELTS Structure & Preparation Strategies

October, 30th 2019
Topics : IELTS Writing Tips
IELTS(The International English Language Testing System) - test for proficiency in the English language. Scores of this test are important if you wish to study, work or immigrate to countries with English as a primary language. The two versions of IELTS are ​General​ and ​Academic​. Either can be taken based on your purpose for the test. Schedule your preparation and take up the test. A 2-6 week period of dedicated practice will be more than enough. There are a lot of online and classroom coaching classes available for this test but if your basics are right, self-preparation is sufficient. IELTS has 4 sections: 1. Listening Duration: 30 minutes Listening + 10 minutes answer transfer 4 sections with 40 questions 2. Reading Duration: 60 minutes 3 sections with 40 questions 3. Writing Duration: 60mins Task 1: Report (150 words) Task 2: Essay (250 words) 4. Speaking Duration: 11-14mins 3 part one-on-one conversation session Listening, Reading, Writing will be tested on a single day with a duration of 2hrs 45mins. The speaking test might take place on the same day or in a span of 7 days before or after the other three tests. Preparation: ❖ Based on the number of weeks you have scheduled, fix 2-3 hours for consistent practice. Self analyzes and find out the sections you are weak at and divide time accordingly. Make sure to score a minimum of 6 in all the sections( The score band ranges from 1-9) ❖ Refer to various sources and collect study materials. Books: The official Cambridge guide, IELTS success formula academic is recommended ❖ Listening​ should be the easiest section to attempt and score. Have a keen ear and focus till the end. Familiarize yourself with different accents(American, British, Australian). You will be recording your answers while listening in the first 30mins and transfer them to your main answer sheet in the next 10mins. ❖ ​Reading​ section might be the toughest and require the most practice. You should focus on reducing the time to read the comprehensions and learn to pick up the most important points. Don't read questions without reading the passage. Understand the different types of questions like fill in the blanks, true or false and strategize. ​The general​ test will have 1 or 2 passages every section while Academic will have one long passage per section ​Writing​ involves 2 tasks where you are supposed to write a minimum of 150 and 250 words in the respective sections. The general test will have letter writing and Academic will have a summary of pictorial representation like graphs, pie charts in task 1. Task 2 will have essay writing for both the tests.  Tips to score in ​Writing: ​1.​ ​Stick to the given topic 2. Avoid grammatical errors 3. Avoid repetition 4. Write 50-100 words more than the word limit 5. Be updated with current affairs, general topics and pack in enough content ❖ Speaking​ will be a three-part conversation with an examiner for 11-15 mins. First will be the introduction. Prepare the points you want to tell about yourself so you can speak in a flow without any stutter. Next, the examiner might provide a topic to talk on. Use the limited preparation time given to collect some valid points and present them with confidence.

How to Improve your English?

November, 08th 2019
Topics : IELTS Writing Tips | Learn English
How to Improve your English? Have you ever felt that your English is not upto the mark? Do you doubt yourself while speaking or writing in English? Do you find it difficult to remember new words and use them? If yes, then read ahead. Learning a new language and gaining expertise in it is not a cake walk. One needs to be consistent and practice diligently. Same applies for English language. Having strong English communication skills takes you a long way in building your career path. In this blog we will look at some proven tactics that will help you improve your command over the English language. English language like any other language comprises of three separate units – Speaking, Writing and Reading.   Speaking in English Speaking fluently in English is a major challenge for the majority of the people. While speaking, do not hurry. Think well, relax, and then speak up slowly. This will give you enough time to think and frame your sentences. Your motive will be to convey your message to others. Always observe at your audience and read their body language. Try to energetic while talking. Smile to create an impression. Ensure that you talk relevant to the context. For example, during a group discussion focus on the topic and give your opinions accordingly. Digressing from the topic will serve no purpose of discussions. If you find that the audience is confused by listening to your opinion, explain it further to make them understand. Learn new words - Watch movies, listen to English songs, focus on the subtitles and try to grasp the new words. Once you come across a new word, find its meaning using a dictionary and try to use it in a sentence. Try to use the word often so that you remember it well. Also, find out words that have similar meaning to your new word and its context of usage. That way you can make different sentences that mean the same but are used in different situations. Take care of the grammatical errors while speaking. Ensure you use the proper tense, pronouns according to the context. By following all of the above points, you will definitely be able to improve your English communication skills.   Writing in English While writing in English, always avoid spelling mistakes and focus on maintaining a legible handwriting. Improving your vocabulary will also help you to improve your writing skills. Write whatever comes to your mind. Maintain a diary in which you can write down your daily happenings. Try to use new words while writing. Keep the sentences simple. Do not make them lengthy and complex. Take care of punctuation marks and grammatical errors. Understand the different styles of writing. For instance, a letter is written in a different style as compared to an essay. Even a formal letter is written in a different style than an informal letter. Read through to understand the writing styles and apply them often in your practice. Practice will make you perfect.   Reading in English The crux of improving any language is to have maximum exposure to the language. In order to gain confidence in English, read books, newspapers, magazines, and whatever else interests you. Reading serves a greater purpose. It gives you imagination to write, improves your vocabulary, increases your reading speed, and also gives you the necessary confidence of speaking. Quoting a relevant phrase from a book or an incidence from a story during a discussion leaves a great impression amidst the crowd. Initially read whatever you can, later you can create your preferences. Read all sort of contents also helps you understand the different styles of writing. Always read aloud, this helps you gain confidence and modulate your tones.  Having a strong command over the English language helps you score well in the language proficiency tests like IELTS and TOEFL. Both these tests are based on English language proficiency and good band scores help candidates apply to top universities across the world. They are a gateway for higher education in foreign universities and also for immigration purposes. To know more on how to prepare for IELTS and apply for universities in Canada, visit Gradbound.

IELTS Reading Skills & Text Types

November, 08th 2019
Topics : IELTS Reading
IELTS Reading Skills & Text Types Let's start by having a close look at the seven reading skills.  1. Previewing a text means looking at things like the heading and layout of a text to get an idea of what the text is about before starting to read. For instance, before reading an article in a newspaper, we look at the headline and/or the picture so we have an idea of what it's about, and can decide whether we want to read it. We know, for Instance, that it is a newspaper article rather than an advert by the way it looks. Previewing is an important skill because it helps us to anticipate the content and this makes it easier to understand the text.  2. Predicting content and structure involves using your knowledge of the topic of the text to guess what it's going to be about. For instance, if you see an advert for a car, you can guess that the purpose of the text will be to sell the car and that there is likely to be vocabulary related to cars.Predicting is an important reading skill because we can make more sense of a text if we use what we know already about the topic.  3. Skimming for main ideas means reading a text quite quickly for a general idea of the overall topic. When we do this, we are looking for main ideas rather than specific details. For instance, we might skim a review of a film to get a general idea of what it's about before deciding whether to go and see it.Skimming is an important skill because if our purpose is to get a general idea about something, we don't need to read the text carefully. In life we often don't have time to read everything in detail!  4. Scanning to find key information also involves reading a text quite quickly, but we use this reading skill when we want to find a particular fact. For instance, we might scan a TV guide to find out what time a particular programme is on. Scanning is an important skill that we use every day to find out facts such as times, dates or places.  5. Intensive reading or reading for detail means careful study of a text or part of a text. We do this when all the content is important. For instance, if you bought a new computer and you wanted to know how it worked, you would need to read the instructions carefully. We also read a text intensively when we need to understand exactly what the writer means, or to find out more details. For instance, having skimmed a film review for a general Idea of what it's about, you might read the review again, this time intensively, to find out details of the plot. Intensive reading is an important skill because we often have to read things very carefully to understand exactly what the writer is saying. 6. Guessing words from context. A good reader will sometimes be able to work out the meaning of a word by using the context provided by the text and their knowledge of the world, rather than having to look the word up in a dictionary. For instance, if you were reading a car manual and you came across a part of the engine you didn't know, you might be able to work out what it is from the description of what it does. Guessing words from context is not always easy for learners, but it is an important skill that can sometimes help us to understand a text even if it contains unknown words. 7. Understanding opinion and attitude means understanding what the writer is thinking or feeling, even when this Is not directly stated. For instance, if someone on holiday wrote in an email, 'I wish didn't have to leave tomorrow,' you would understand that the person was having a good time. Understanding attitude and opinion is an important reading skill because writers often do not state directly what they are thinking or feeling.   Problems faced by Most Learners 1.    Learners keep stopping to look up words In a dictionary. -> guessing words from context 2.    Learners are so slow -they find it really difficult to pick out the main ideas quickly. -> skimming 3.    Learners don't read carefully enough so they get the wrong meaning. -> intensive reading 4.    Learners just start reading without thinking about what they know about the topic. -> predicting 5.    Learners can never tell me what the writer thinks about something. -> understanding opinion and attitude 6.    Learners aren't able to search a text to find particular pieces of information. -> scanning 7.    Learners always start reading a text straightaway before looking at the headings and pictures first to help them understand the text. -> previewing   The different task types In real life, the reading skills that we use when we are reading a text will greatly depend on the type of text and our reason for  probably be looking for the time of a specific train so we would use scanning skills. If we were reading a recipe, all the information given would be important because we would need to know exactly what to do at each stage, so we would read it intensively. In the IELTS Reading test, the purpose is provided by the questions. The different task types test the different reading skills that you have looked at.  Let's have a quick look at all the different task types in the Reading test. We will look at these task types one by one over the three reading units and look at how you can help learners deal with them by teaching them certain strategies. As previously stated, the task types in the Academic reading test and the General training reading test are almost the same. Any differences will be mentioned where relevant.    Here are the different types of question:  Task type 1- Multiple choice  Task type 2 - Identifying information  Task type 3- Identifying writer's views/claim  Task type 4- Matching information  Task type S - Matching headings  Task type 6 - Matching features  Task type 7 - Matching sentence endings  Task type 8 - Sentence completion  Task type 9 - Summary, note, table, flow-chart completion Task type 10 - Diagram label completion  Task type 11- Short-answer questions    Examples •    Which paragraph contains the following information? (matching information) •    Complete the sentences below. Use NO MORE THAN ONE WORD from the text. (sentence completion) •    Choose the correct heading for paragraphs A-H from the list of headings below. ( matching headings) •    Do the following statements agree with the information given in the text? (identifying information) •    Answer the questions below. Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the text. (short answer questions) •    Match the inventions with the scientists listed A-C. (matching features) •    Choose the correct letter A, B, C or D. (multiple choice)   For further assistance and/or if you would like to attend one of your IELTS Preparation Workshops; click here and register.

How to approach General Writing Task 2 in the IELTS Exam

August, 11th 2020
Topics : IELTS Reading | IELTS Writing Tips
If you are reading this article, then you are probably an individual who is about to sit IELTS. IELTS is required for almost everyone who wishes to live, study and or migrate to Canada. I know that when I was thinking about coming to Canada via Express Entry, I had to do the exam.   While the IELTS exam has four (4) sections, this article will examine General Writing, Task 2: that fateful paper that so many students fail or fail to approach properly. Students are required to write a measly 250 words persuasive essay.   Let us say that you are given these broad topics: Pandemics, Living Abroad, Global Diseases, Living Abroad and Food Shortage, what would you focus on? This is a decision that has to be made after careful consideration because it will determine what you develop in your response, ultimately the success or failure of the paper.   What many students fail to do is to read the instructions carefully, organize their essay and write clearly. This translates into what examiners are marking for: Task Achievement, Coherence & Cohesion, Lexical Resource, and Grammatical Range and Accuracy. (We’ll talk about these more in our other edition).   Let’s use one of our broad topics as an example: owning a motorcar. If you are given this topic, what would be your next move? Or what should be your next move? Firstly, it is very important to create a controlling idea that indicates to the marker the specific focus of your paper.   The controlling idea is used to form a thesis, a single declarative sentence that tells the reader or marker what side of the issue you’re supporting. It would look something like this: People have many reasons for owning a motorcar. The broad topic is “owning a motorcar” and the controlling idea is “many reasons.” The controlling idea indicates to the marker that you intend to develop at least TWO (2) reasons. These TWO reasons form the body of the paper. Other words or phrases that can be used to establish controlling ideas include “disadvantages, advantages, benefits, impact, effects” among others.   For this section of the exam, remember that you are writing a persuasive essay and not an exposition. This means that tone and vocabulary are also essential. Persuasive essays convince, influence or dissuade; expository essays pretty much inform or educate.   Once you have written your thesis, then you must now develop the controlling idea. Let’s use the motorcar example: People have many reasons for owning a motorcar. Earlier we said TWO (2) reasons, so let us now compose each reason: Owning a motorcar helps people reach work on time. Owning a motorcar is very convenient for people with large families.   I have given you a couple of simple reasons. You might have more sophisticated ones. What I suggest is that you also arrange your reasons in sequential order: either from least important to most important or vice versa. Plus, use linking words such as firstly, moreover, furthermore and finally.     This is the first in a series of articles about how to approach IELTS General Writing Task 2.     Robin Clarke is a marketing assistant at Gradbound Education & Immigration Solutions. He is also an ESL tutor at Gradbound Language Centre and has been teaching writing, ESL, English literature and language for over a decade. He can be reached at 1-647-904-4390.

Vocational Online Courses - Payroll Administration Courses

January, 17th 2021
Topics : High School Credit Courses
Vocational Online Courses in Ontario: Introduction: The objective of vocational courses is to equip students with practical expertise in a particular profession or field. These courses make students completely ready for the job in a specific field. There are many vocational online courses that help one to upgrade the skills in a particular career. Up-to-date and relevant vocational online courses are available for individuals those who are looking to start their first career, wanted to change career directions or wanted to improve their current job skills. Benefits of pursuing a vocational course Vocational online course modules allow students the opportunities for on-site training which later helps them with good practical work experience in the field once they complete the course. Such courses have only lesser classroom lectures allowing the students to learn the skill first by putting the concepts in use in the real scenarios. These courses are more like internship based courses where students will focus on working on the actual situations than the theories taught in classrooms. Therefore, when a student passes out of the vocational course, he will have more work experience than his fellow applicants. As he has been trained on-site, it will be a better investment for the employer as they need not waste their time, money and energy training a new person. Other benefits: •   Combined benefit of vocational skills along with traditional knowledge. •   Focus is mainly on specific and particular skills. •   The realistic insight of the industry, for which the students are trained. •   Students will be aware of ongoing trends in the global market while they work on it practically. •   Vocational course programs are shorter, less expensive and skill-focused to meet the needs of the industry. •   Most of the vocational online course programs only require high school completion with a basic level of knowledge in Mathematics and English. •   They can be pursued online as well, for the more convenient learning process. Payroll administration courses: Payroll administration course covers topics such as maintaining payroll records, taxable benefits, preparation and maintenance of payroll journal and employee records, statutory and other deductions, workmen compensation etc. Payroll administration course program specializes the individuals to handle wages, travel expenses, retirement plan, analyzing compliance issues, final settlement and numerous other activities and benefits of the employees. Objective ofpayroll administration course: The objective of Payroll Administration courses in Ontario will be training the students in the practices of financial accounting and payroll. This program focuses on three key elements: the theoretical principles of payroll and accounting, the practical “hands-on” expertise required to do the job, and the communication skills required to work within an office environment. Each successful student who completes the course will have the expertise to enter into the workforce and maintain a complete set of documents, both manually and with computerized systems. Benefits of CompletingPayroll Administration Course The demand for payroll professionals has become increased. Payroll specialists are responsible for knowing and understanding the complex and vital ins and outs of the field, health benefit implications, including tax reductions, paid time offs, loss of pays, resolving salary or payment related queries and much more. They will also be preparing and processing bills, accounts payable and receivable, budgets, creating invoices and other financial records. Payroll administration course will help individuals to manage all these responsibilities properly coordinating with senior management and meet local and federal standards. Types of Job Roles for Payroll Specialist Almost all type of industries hires Payroll Specialist to manage their payroll activities. A payroll specialist will be preparing the final payment report, managing payroll documents, verifying employee documents, coordinating with the managers and handle various other payroll operations. Some job roles available for Payroll Specialists are mentioned below. ·       Salary administration officer ·       Payroll clerk ·       Accounting clerk ·       Accounting clerk ·       Accounting assistant ·       Audit clerk ·       Benefits officer ·       Pay advisor ·       Pay and benefits administrator ·       Payroll data analyst ·       Payroll manager ·       Payroll administrator ·       Payroll director Advantages of becoming a Payroll Specialist ·       A career as a Payroll Specialist mostly offers flexible work time and the option to work from home. ·       Payroll Specialists will be working on a variety of tasks daily ·       Provides the opportunity to enter any type of industry.

IELTS Preparation | IELTS Academic Preparation | IELTS General Preparation

June, 13th 2021
About the Writing test The IELTS test has 2 modules: the academic Writing Module and therefore the General coaching Module looking on whether or not the candidate is applying for any studies or immigration. The IETLS Writing test lasts one hour, and among that point the candidate has to complete 2 writing tasks. In the IELTS Academic Preparation writing Module (AW) for Task one, the candidate has to analyze a diagram, map, graph, or table and accurately describe and summaries this visual info. The assigned time is twenty minutes, and therefore the expected length is regarding 150 words. In the IELTS academic preparation Writing Module (AW) for Task a pair of, the candidate is expected to write down a discursive essay wherever they will be asked to evaluate a problem and supply an answer, compare, and distinction completely different concepts, or perhaps challenge an idea/argument. The entire time assigned is forty minutes and therefore the minimum length needed is 250 words. The IELTS General coaching Writing Module (GT) additionally includes 2 tasks. The IELTS General Preparation coaching Writing Module (AW) for Task 1 is of 20 minutes, is regarding responding to a given scenario/problem by writing a letter during which the candidate is asked to request info or explain/resolve a situation. The IELTS General Preparation coaching Writing Module (AW) for Task 2 is assigned 40 minutes and here the candidate is predicted to put in writing a composition that's like the essay for the academic Writing Task. Assessment Criteria To crack the test to the simplest of their ability, the candidates have to be compelled to totally perceive the IELTS Preparation assessment criteria. This can also facilitate them in their apply and preparation for the test. The assessment follows the standards given below: Task accomplishment /Task Response Coherence and Cohesion Lexical Resources Grammatical vary and Accuracy The weight age of Writing Task a pair of is double the maximum amount as for writing Task one. Now allow us to look in detail at the assessment criteria: Task accomplishment refers to the completeness, precision, and appropriacy with that the candidate tries the Task. Since Task one AW module presents a visible input, it needs the candidate to refer closely to the input diagram/graph/table and use the knowledge to answer the precise question(s) asked, while not omitting any relevant information or adding any further info. The IELTS General Preparation module needs the candidate to request information/explain a scenario or problem/complains a couple of service/suggest or suggests one thing with a brief letter. All elements of the question/key bullet points should be answered clearly and fittingly, giving sufficient details for every half. Task a pair of is on similar lines for each the educational and general coaching IELTS test. The candidate should totally address all elements of the task and gift a well-developed position in answer to the question with relevant info well supported by examples. The writing should have a seamless flow to that, so the reader effortlessly comprehends the arguments. Coherence and Cohesion: Coherence refers to the means info is presented and organized. The candidate should make sure that their concepts area unit organized in clear paragraphs to alter the reader to follow the argument simply. Every paragraph ought to have one main plan supported by an evidence and example. Cohesion refers to however smoothly the sentences connect with each other therefore the use of cohesive devices like, First, Secondly, Furthermore, as an example, etc. is vital throughout the solution. An absence of cohesive devices usually makes the message tough to follow. Lexical Resources This criterion refers to the effectiveness and varies of vocabulary that the candidates have at their disposal, in respect to the precise queries being answered. They’ll be judged on the appropriateness and correctness of the lexical decisions instead of on the employment of ‘so-called’ tough words. So, do be careful for writing system errors after you write.   Grammatical Range and Accuracy This criterion assesses the candidate’s ability to put in writing each straightforward sentences and a variety of advanced sentences with accuracy, backed after all by correct punctuation. If you would like to induce a high band, then do make sure you area unit employing a range of advanced structures like conditionals, relative clauses so on accurately. You might surprise what an easy sentence is, an easy sentence has finite one verb, e.g., I prefer early mornings. For know more about IELTS classes near me feel free to call us +1-437-317-7180 | +1 647 873 3322 or email us or visit

IELTS Academic Preparation | IELTS General Preparation | IELTS Preparation

July, 28th 2021
Topics : IELTS Mock Exam | IELTS Preparation Workshop | IELTS Reading | IELTS Writing Tips
Prepare for IELTS Step 1: Improve your English It takes time to learn a language and one amongst the best ways that to learn is to require an English course. Use your English a day. Read, speak, listen and write in English as usually as you'll be able to. This can be tried thanks to improve your English and thus your IELTS score. Speak English together with your friends and family. Listen to English radio, tv and film. Try and hear a range of English accents as well as Yankee, Australian, British, Canadian and New Zeeland. Read English publications where doable. Write letters, emails or notes in English to practice your written skills. Step 2: Perceive the Test Format and Rules Familiarize yourself with the test format in order that you recognize what to expect on test day. Bear in mind that There are 2 versions of IELTS – IELTS educational and IELTS General Preparation coaching. The Listening and also the Speaking elements are identical for each test however the Reading and also the Writing elements are different. Read all the knowledge literature provided to you by your take a look at centre rigorously. It’s designed to Share essential data concerning the way to respond properly to every a part of the test. Understand the test format in addition because the grading criteria for the test. Step 3: observe sample queries Download and observe taking sample IELTS communicating queries. As IELTS is regular, it's vital that you just   Practice as several sample communicating queries as doable and work to make up your speed. Practice the test using free IELTS preparation test sample queries offered on this website. Use the Official IELTS observe Materials (two books available) that you'll be able to purchase from your local test centre. In addition to active sample queries you'll additionally would like to contemplate attending a Free Master class Session. Step 4: try and feel relaxed on the day before your test On the day before your test, take the time to refresh your memory of the test rules, test format and Location in order that you're feeling as relaxed as doable. Make sure you recognize the test rules. Get much rest the night before your test. Plan your journey − make sure you are accustomed to the situation of the test venue and skills you're Going to get there in order that you arrive on time. For know more about IELTS academic preparation feel free to call us +1-437-317-7180 | +1 647 873 3322 or email us or visit

Medical Office Assistant Courses in Toronto | Medical Office Assistant Courses

February, 28th 2022
Topics : ESL for Newcomers | IELTS Mock Exam | Immigration to Canada | Learn English | Study IELTS in Markham
The Medical Office Assistant course aims in facilitating the scholars with medical, clerical and communication skills that are essential to start their career. They can become a member, administrator or a workplace assistant in the medical field and also in the dental field. Scope   This course prepares a student for a profession in the field of health. They can become Medical workplace directors, Medical Secretaries, Medical secretarial assistants, etc. They work in hospitals, clinics and medical offices by efficiently handling the front table and performing many other duties. The scholars will have an opportunity to help the shoppers who are associated in areas such as medical and health care. There are a lot of employment opportunities for Medical Office Assistants Course. The consistent growth in this field will make their career successful. What does an MOA do?   The physicians, medical staff and patients rely on the Medical Office Assistants for the smooth running of office operations. Generally, they perform administrative and supportive functions. They should also be familiar with medical procedures, medical terminology and health care business practices. They assist physicians by preparing treatment rooms for clinical examination. They also help in medical procedures, taking vital signs, and providing pre-emptive care.   They are the first point of contact for a hospital, medical clinic, diagnostic center, physician’s office and health care agencies. They must welcome patients, attend the calls, schedule appointments, help in submitting prescriptions, referrals and manage drug manufacturer calls. They also look into the insurance forms and claims.   MOA’s process all the information concerning a patient’s file which includes payments and insurance claims if any. They manage the office database and the physician’s schedule. They do write type and prepare medical reports. They are responsible for submitting specialist referrals, coordinating diagnostic tests, treatments and other required care with relevant facilities and professionals. The new patients obtain forms and other documents from the MOA. After scanning the forms in the EHR system the MOA’s file it carefully. They verify the insurance information of the patients. They collect the deposit pays and accept co-pays. The patients can even schedule their next appointments with the help of Medical Office Assistants Courses in Toronto.   MOA program   The duration of the in-class diploma program is 33 weeks which also includes full-time clinical placement for 4 weeks. Mostly the classes are scheduled for 4 hours on the weekdays. The total time to complete the course online is also 33 weeks including the placement. The students will be engaged in learning and doing their homework for 20 hours per week. The course contents are pre- scheduled. The video lectures are an added advantage. There is a growing need for medical services in today’s world. The government is focusing a lot to upgrade health care. Thus the demand for trained and knowledgeable medical office assistants is increasing day by day. Career opportunities   Relevant positions of the Medical Office Assistants are:   Medical or Dental Receptionist Medical or Health Office Assistant Medical or Health Office Manager Dental Office Assistant Medical Transcriptionist Hospital Patient Registration Clerk Ward Clerk Medical Billing Clerk or Secretary Administrator in Government Health Agencies   Studying abroad may seem challenging but the students will gain one of the most beneficial experiences. Why is Canada the best choice for studies?   Canada is ranked one of the safest countries in the world. Canada very well handles the immigration policies during the pandemic. The international students find Canada best for education as it is one of the top study capitals of the world. Educational institutions in Canada provide high-quality education. Canadian education stands unique and strong in research and development. The Canadian government offers huge supports to research in disciplines of environmental science and technology, medicine, agriculture and telecommunication. The tuition fee in Canada is fair when compared to other countries. There is a wide range of scholarships to reduce educational expenses. The multicultural environment makes international students feel at home. Canadian campuses hosts events and fests which creates a happy environment for the students. The students have an opportunity to work while learning. Canada’s Post-Graduation Work Permit Program (PWPP) lets the students work in the country for 3 years after their graduation. Thus they can gain international work experience. Many colleges offer Medical Office Assistant Courses in Ontario. You can zero in on one of them for qualifying yourself and getting a good job.

IELTS Preparation | IELTS classes near me | IELTS Academic Preparation | IELTS General Preparation

April, 12th 2022
Topics : Boarding Schools in Canada | ESL for Newcomers | Express Entry | Financial Aid | OSAP | High School Credit Courses | IELTS Mock Exam | IELTS Preparation Workshop | IELTS Reading | IELTS Writing Tips | Immigration Consultant Workshop
HOW TO PREPARE FOR IELTS   IELTS stands for International English Language Training System. It is owned by the British Council and IDP: IELTS Australia and Cambridge Assessment English, jointly. This course trains the people who migrate for studies or work to a country where the native language is English. Some of the countries are Canada, Australia, the United Kingdom, New Zealand, and the United States of America. A person’s ability to listen, read, write and speak English would be evaluated in the test. IELTS is of 2 types. They are:   Academic training and General training   Why should one take IELTS Preparation?   The English language is the 3rd most spoken language in the world. There are nearly 379 million English speakers across the globe. A person who desires to study, work or live in an English- speaking country must demonstrate a high level of English language ability.   There is a wide range of benefits when one communicates in the native language of the residing country. It is a must while seeking job opportunities as well as integration into the community.   IELTS is a globally recognized test for people who wish to migrate to English-speaking countries. It is acknowledged by more than 11,000 employers, universities, schools, and immigration bodies which includes 3,400 institutions in the United States of America.   How is it developed?   IELTS was developed to provide a fair and accurate assessment of English language proficiency. The language specialists from Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States of America develop the test questions.   How to prepare well?   Knowing the test format by reviewing the contents, questions, and task types for each section is important. The rules and regulations of the test must be well known. There are an ‘n’ number of practice materials on the internet. The students can make use of them and know their performance. Practicing with sample questions regularly will make one familiarize with the test format. This will give them an idea of what to expect in the exam. The practice test helps a candidate to know how much they can score approximately. IELTS progress check is an official practice test that can be taken online. This test will not only provide the scores but also feedbacks to improve the performance within 5 days. There are online preparation courses to assist with test preparation. The IELTS centers and language schools across the globe offer preparation courses to help the candidates. Grades   The test has four sections. They are listening, reading, writing, and speaking. The content reflects everyday situations which are unbiased and fair to all the candidates and their backgrounds. The grades of IELTS are on a scale of 1 to 9. The skill level and description are as follows:   Grade 1: Non-user: The candidate lacks the ability to use English except for very few words.   Grade 2: Intermittent user: The candidate has difficulties in understanding written and spoken English. Grade 3: Extremely limited user: The candidate conveys and understands only the general meaning in familiar times. Their communication has recurring breakdowns. Grade 4: Limited user: The candidate’s basic competence is limited to familiar circumstances. They keep showing problems in understanding and expression. They lack the skill to use complex language.   Grade 5: Modest user: The candidate has partial command of English and copes with all the meanings in most situations. They are likely to commit many mistakes. They must be able to handle basic communication in their own field. Grade 6: Competent user: The candidate has an effective command of English despite a few inaccuracies, misunderstandings, and inappropriate usage. They are able to use and understand fairly complex language, especially in familiar situations. Grade 7: Good user: The candidate has operational command of English, although there are occasional inaccuracies, inappropriate usage, and misunderstandings rarely. They are good at handling complex language and understanding detailed reasoning. Grade 8: Very good user: The candidate has fully operational command of English. The unsystematic inaccuracies and inappropriate usage are only occasional. They tend to misunderstand some things in unfamiliar circumstances. They handle complex and detailed argumentation very well. Grade 9: Expert user: The candidate has a fully operational command of English. Their use of the language is appropriate, accurate, and fluent which shows their complete understanding.   Every immigration body, workplace, university, or educational institution will require an IELTS score. The high scores indicate a better understanding and the candidate’s ability to communicate in English.

Language Schools in Canada | French Classes for Beginners in Toronto

May, 17th 2022
Topics : Boarding Schools in Canada | ESL for Newcomers | Express Entry | Financial Aid | OSAP | High School Credit Courses | IELTS Mock Exam | IELTS Preparation Workshop | IELTS Reading | IELTS Writing Tips | Immigration Consultant Workshop | Immigration to Canada | International Students | IT & AI Events | Language School Guidelines | Languages Canada | Learn English | Online Marketing | Pathway Program | Private High Schools | Professional Development | SEO Training | SEO Workshop | Study IELTS in Markham | Study in Canada
LANGUAGE SCHOOLS IN CANADA   Canada is not only renowned for its excellent academic standards but also for its dual English and French identity. Canadian language schools are undoubtedly the best places to study English and French. They offer consistent standards providing their students with high-quality instruction. Whether the students opt to study on Canada’s Atlantic Coast, West Coast, or anywhere in between, they will get a positive experience with the quality assurance of the language schools. Options and opportunities   There is a wide range of language school options for international students. They can take up English or French language courses while working in Canada. They also help in preparation for entering a Canadian college or university program. The students will gain a competitive advantage in their home country. Many language schools exist across Canada. This means a person can learn languages from the place where he/she resides. Having knowledge of English and French makes living in the country easier. What to expect?   Focused approach   High-quality teaching   Guaranteed results   Accredited language schools   The best choice of language schools is the ones that are accredited by Languages Canada. The accreditation is all about the schools following universally recognized quality assurance standards. Languages Canada has a directory of nearly 225 language schools in Canada.   The accreditation is based on:   Student services Teaching staff Program of study Marketing, promotion, and administration Student admissions   What are the programs that language schools offer?   English or French test preparation (CAEL, IELTS, TOEFL, TEF Canada, or TCF) Summer camps Business or technical English and French Language instruction to prepare for college or university Teacher training programs (CELTA, TESL, TESOL, or CEFLE)   Post-secondary program   English and French language skills are essential to entering a post-secondary program in Canada. The language schools train international students to attend college or university in Canada. A student should be able to speak English or French to study in Canada College or university.   English-language colleges and universities require the students to write either one of the TOEFL, IELTS, or CAEL tests. Whereas the French-language universities and colleges assess students individually.   Requirements   A student has to take a test to assess their skill level in English or French in order to enroll themselves in a language school. The language school will suggest a course of study based on the test scores. Many the language schools offer courses based on weeks of study and not a semester or monthly course.   How to enroll?   Every language school has a unique enrollment process. Some of them offer housing facilities whereas other schools offer homestay for the younger students. Thus the student will be living with a Canadian family. Students above 18 years of age should apply for a study permit from the Canadian government for attending a language school in Canada. The minor students must be applying for a special study permit. Generally, it takes up to 3 months to obtain a study permit depending on the student’s home country. It is essential to plan prior. Cost of language schools   The language schools usually provide courses based on a certain number of weeks, rather than a semester approach to study. The cost of tuition varies for each language school. Approximately, it may be from CAD 3570 to CAD 4083 without the inclusion of housing and meals. Top language schools in Canada   ILAC Toronto Language School- Toronto, Ontario Kaplan Vancouver Language School- Vancouver - British Columbia CLLC Ottawa Canadian Language Learning College - Ottawa, Ontario Village camps Lakefield School – Lakefield, Ontario ILSC Language School – Montreal, Quebec   Canada is universally recognized for its outstanding quality of education. It is one of the fewest countries to have some of the lowest university tuition fees. There is an excellent quality of life in Canada. Toronto, Montreal, and Vancouver are present in the list of the top 50 student cities of the world. The students can benefit from a world-class education by living in a bilingual environment. Canadian culture embraces diversity and it is the safest country for international students. For knowing more about High School Credit Courses in Toronto feel free to call us at +1-437-317-7180 | +1 647 873 3322 or email us at or visit



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